All elementary schools of the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board will be open for registration from 9am to 12pm on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to bring a completed registration form (below in pdf format) to the in-person registration on August 29th.
Also open for registration on this date is the Byzantine Catholic Education Program at St. Ann School, 15 St. Ann Street, Hamilton, Tel. 905-547-5444.
Please ensure that the following documentation and completed registration form are brought to the school to complete the registration process.
- Birth Certificate or Passport
- Baptismal Certificate (Roman Catholic)
- Proof of Residency (i.e., utility bill)
- Last Report Card
If Applicable:
- Immigration Information
- IEP Accommodations/Modifications
- Court Order re: custody provisions
- Health information related to medical peril
- Completed Registration Form for each child
- Required and applicable documents noted above
- Contact City of Hamilton Public Heath with your child’s vaccination information (Phone: 905-540-5250; Fax: 905-546-4841)
To enrol in Junior Kindergarten, children must be four years old by December 31st of the school year in which they begin.
Online registration (elementary and secondary)
New student registrations will also be accepted online at https://www.hwcdsb.ca/school_life/school/registration.
Secondary In-person Registration:
Secondary students can also register in-person at their home school throughout the summer period. Secondary schools are open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 3pm.
Registration forms can be downloaded at https://www.hwcdsb.ca/school_life/school/registration/secondary. Please bring a completed registration form and all required documentation with you when you register.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the home school directly.
Start of school
School begins on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
HWCDSB Registration Form