EQAO Media Release

EQAO assessment results show continued gains and positive results
Posted on 09/27/2024
Students writing a test

Hamilton, ON – Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary and Junior, Reading, Writing and Mathematics results for the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, released yesterday (September 26, 2024), met or exceeded the province in 6 out of 6 areas. Grade 3 results show that 80 percent of students met the provincial standard in Reading, 75 percent in Writing, and 72 percent in Math. Provincial results were 71 percent for Reading, 64 percent for Writing and 61 percent in Math. In Grade 6 assessments, 83 percent of Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board students achieved Level 3 and 4 in Reading, 82 percent in writing and 51 percent in Math, compared to 80 percent, 82 percent and 50 percent provincially. Primary and Junior results not only surpassed the province, but exceeded 2022-2023 HWCDSB results in 6 out of 8 areas.

Results for Grade 9 Math also showed improvement with 55.3 percent of students meeting the provincial expectation in the 2023-2024 assessment. Provincial results are 54 percent in Grade 9 Math. Also released yesterday were OSSLT results which showed 81 percent of students achieving the provincial standard in the Grade 10 literacy test, compared to 85 percent provincially. Board 2023-2024 OSSLT results increased by 4 percent as compared to 2022-2023.

Acknowledging that there always remains more to do to, “enable all students to realize their fullness of humanity”, Chairperson of the Board, Patrick Daly said there is much to celebrate.

Congratulating students on their outstanding achievements in the annual assessments, Daly expressed how proud the Board of Trustees is of each of them.

On behalf of the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, I want to commend and thank all of our principals, vice-principals, support staff, central administration, and most especially teachers for their tireless work, commitment to continuous improvement and laser like focus on, “placing Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre” of students’ learning experiences, said Daly.

Daly indicated how “encouraging it is to see the hard work of students, dedication of staff and support of the Board of Trustees for a number of recently introduced strategies and investments realize such positive results.” Examples of these include;

 A dedicated math support program featuring full time math facilitators at a number of schools;
 Digital math tools for students (Grades K-10) and available for parents;
 Print resources aligned with the 2020 curriculum provided to all students in Grades 1-8;
 Literacy Resource Teachers at each school who work in collaboration with central support to ensure that instruction is responsive to the wide range of student needs.

For more information, please contact:

Patrick J. Daly

905 525-2930, Ext. 2162

Debbie McGreal-Dinning
Media & Communications Manager
905-525-2930, Ext. 2263

Students writing in class