HWCDSB Community Survey

HWCDSB Community Survey: Shaping Our Multi-Year Strategic Plan
Posted on 02/04/2025
Front of the Father Kennedy Catholic Education Centre

Guided by our conviction to, “place Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre” of students’ learning experiences, the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce the launch of a survey in support of the development of its next Multi-Year Strategic Plan. All members of our Catholic school system and wider Catholic community are invited to share their thoughts and vision through completion of the enclosed survey. Please be assured that your perspectives as parents/guardians are valued and very much appreciated.

What’s the Survey About?

The survey will:
· Provide a confidential space for your input: Share your thoughts anonymously so we can truly hear what matters most to you.
· Help us understand your experiences: What do you most value about our Catholic schools, and what could we do better?
· Shape our vision for the future: Ensure our strategic plan reflects the needs and hopes of our students, parents/guardians, staff and parish communities.

How You Can Help

Taking the survey is easy and only takes a few minutes! The survey is open for a limited time, so don’t wait—click the link below to share your thoughts and be part of this important journey.

Take the Survey Now: HWCDSB Community Survey: Shaping Our Multi-Year Strategic Plan

  Front of the Father Kennedy Catholic Education Centre