National Catholic Health Care Week 2025

National Catholic Health Care Week 2025: Caring for Our Common Home
Posted on 02/04/2025
National Catholic Health Care Week

From Sunday, February 2 to Saturday, February 8, 2025, we celebrate National Catholic Health Care Week, a time to reflect on the healing mission of Catholic health care and its profound connection to both human and environmental well-being. This annual event leads into The World Day of the Sick on February 11, a day of prayer and reflection established by Pope John Paul II to honour those who are ill and the caregivers who serve them with compassion.

This year’s theme, “Caring for Our Common Home,” calls us to recognize that human health and the health of the planet are deeply interconnected. Inspired by Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’, Catholic health organizations across Canada are committed to environmental stewardship and actions that promote human flourishing. We are reminded that social and environmental challenges are not separate crises but part of a single, complex reality—one that calls for an integrated approach to healing, justice, and care for all.

The Courageous Gift of Catholic Health Care
For over 400 years, Catholic health care in Canada has embodied the healing ministry of Jesus, reaching out with compassion to those who are most in need. Rooted in Gospel values and the legacy of our founding congregations, Catholic health care institutions continue to innovate, advocate, and collaborate to create a just and caring society where all are seen, heard, and valued.

Throughout this Week, we are encouraged to reflect on and share the courageous gift of Catholic health care—a mission driven by love, sustainability, and the dignity of all people. It is an opportunity to recognize the tireless efforts of those who provide care, advocate for the marginalized, and work toward environmental and social responsibility.

For more information, visit: National Catholic Health Care Week.