The Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) is advising that the Flood Watch message issued on July 24 has now been terminated.
This Flood Watch message is in effect until Friday, July 26, 2024- Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) is advising that water levels and flows in all area watercourses are expected to increase significantly, as a result of the ongoing rain and thunderstorms occurring today (July 24). Localized watercourse flooding of low-lying areas that typically flood during higher water levels is expected.
In addition, there is some potential for significant watercourse flooding, if strong thunderstorms occur.
There is considerable uncertainty as to the amount of rain that will occur. As such, HCA staff continue to monitor watercourse, watershed, and weather conditions closely.
A close watch on local conditions is recommended. Also, HCA wishes to remind residents to exercise caution near all water bodies and structures such as bridges, culverts and dams during this time. Above normal water levels, faster moving water, rapidly changing levels and flows, and slippery banks may pose significant hazards. Adults are advised to keep children and pets away from water bodies at this time.
Over today (July 24), the Hamilton area is expected to receive between 0 and 30 mm of rain (this includes 0 to 5 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 10 to 25 mm possible if thunderstorms occur). Over the remainder of this week, no rain is expected.
This Flood Watch message is in effect until Friday, July 26, 2024 at 4:40 pm, by which time it will either be updated or cancelled. HCA will issue updates prior to July 26 as needed. This Flood Watch is an update to the Watershed Conditions Statement (Water Safety) messaged issued July 22, 2024.
Update: July 23, 2024
The Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) is advising that the active Flood Warning – Watercourse Flooding message issued on July 18 has now been downgraded to a Watershed Conditions Statement (Water Safety) message.
HCA is advising that water levels and flows in many of the watercourses within the Spencer Creek watershed remain well above normal and continue to pose a significant water safety concern. Localized watercourse flooding of low-lying areas that typically flood during higher water levels is also occurring at this time within the Spencer Creek watershed.
However, recent road flooding and significant watercourse flooding in the Spencer Creek watershed are no longer occurring, based on available reports.
Spencer Creek water levels are expected to continue decreasing, but may continue to pose a significant water safety concern over the next several days.
In other watercourses, current water levels and flows are near baseflow conditions with no significant water safety concerns or watercourse flooding concerns.
A continued close watch on local conditions is recommended. HCA is asking all residents and children to keep a safe distance from all watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks continue to make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.
Over the remainder of today (July 23), the Hamilton area may receive between 0 and 11 mm of rain (this includes 0 to 1 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 5 to 10 mm possible if thunderstorms occur). On Wednesday (July 24), the Hamilton area may receive between 3 and 63 mm of rain (this includes 3 to 13 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 10 to 50 mm possible if thunderstorms occur). There is uncertainty as to the amount of rain expected on Wednesday.
This message replaces the Flood Warning – Watercourse Flooding message below. This Watershed Conditions Statement (Water Safety) message is in effect until Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at which time it will either be updated or cancelled. HCA will issue updates prior to July 24 as needed.
Original report:
Flood Watch – Watercourse Flooding
Effective until Saturday, July 17, 2024 – The Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) is advising that water levels and flows in all area watercourses are expected to increase significantly, as a result of the rain and potential thunderstorms forecasted for today and tomorrow (July 15 and 16). Localized watercourse flooding of low-lying areas that typically flood during higher water levels is expected.
In addition, there is potential for significant watercourse flooding, as large amounts of runoff are expected to occur.
Over the remainder of today (July 15), the Hamilton area may receive between 1 and 42 mm of rain (this includes 1 to 32 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 5 to 10 mm possible if thunderstorms occur). Tomorrow (July 16), the Hamilton area may receive between 3 and 29 mm of rain (this includes 3 to 19 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 5 to 25 mm possible if thunderstorms occur).
HCA is asking all residents and children to keep a safe distance from all watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks continue to make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.
Current water levels and flows in area watercourses are at elevated well above baseflows and near thresholds for significant water safety concerns. However, there are currently no significant watercourse flooding concerns.
This Flood Watch message is in effect until Friday, July 17, 2024, at which time it will either be updated or cancelled. HCA will issue updates prior to July 17 as needed. Effective until Wednesday, July 17, 2024 – The Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) is advising that water levels and flows in all area watercourses are expected to increase significantly, as a result of the rain and potential thunderstorms forecasted for today and tomorrow (July 15 and 16). Localized watercourse flooding of low-lying areas that typically flood during higher water levels is expected.
In addition, there is potential for significant watercourse flooding, as large amounts of runoff are expected to occur.
Over the remainder of today (July 15), the Hamilton area may receive between 1 and 42 mm of rain (this includes 1 to 32 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 5 to 10 mm possible if thunderstorms occur). Tomorrow (July 16), the Hamilton area may receive between 3 and 29 mm of rain (this includes 3 to 19 mm of forecasted rain, with an additional 5 to 25 mm possible if thunderstorms occur).
HCA is asking all residents and children to keep a safe distance from all watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks continue to make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.
Current water levels and flows in area watercourses are at elevated well above baseflows and near thresholds for significant water safety concerns. However, there are currently no significant watercourse flooding concerns.
This Flood Watch message is in effect until Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at which time it will either be updated or cancelled. HCA will issue updates prior to July 17 as needed.