If you wish to submit a Christian Service reflection, please email Lucia Marchionda,
[email protected]
Grade 10 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned about hard work and the merits it brings when helping others. I learned about the dedication others put into helping charities, and it inspires me. I learned that society can band together as a community and make great things happen when we all work together.
Grade 11 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Having lost my Nanny, Aunt Jean to Cancer, God helped me through those loses. When my mom started volunteering with Cancer Assistance and care walk in 2019, I decided to join her in this opportunity. Helping people through bad times is what God calls us to do. God wants us to help those less fortunate. Being kind and spreading love and kindness is what we should be doing in the community. Every walk I participated enabled me to learn more about what people helping people means. It is not about recognition but about the action one takes. When Jesus tells us to give ourselves to others is an example of what I participated and was able to live like he did.
Grade 12 Student | St. Mary
I learned that I was able to do things I never did before using skills obtained from school and different areas of life. I learned that other people, working towards a common goal, make things easier. While helping out a church, I was around people of all ages who all had different skills and personalities. It taught us to enjoy and listen to everyone to complete the task.
I learned that society needs more people willing to help out, At this church I was at, they are an older parish that benefited from having an extra hand from someone younger and able to do some things they can’t. We need to pull together and help each other out.
Grade 12 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned that I enjoy working with little children and helping them learn and discover a passion. I learned that other people have many different learning types, and that it might take some people more time to get comfortable with a skill than others.
Grafe 9 Student |St Jean de Brébeuf
The Pilgrimage Walk was a great Christian Service experience. I learned about my role in society and my ability to serve the community. The walk also helped me comprehend those less fortunate and create more empathy for those people. I learned that society may not always be fair but that we are called to fight injustice and serve those around us as children of God. I deeply enjoyed this experience and look forward to doing this Pilgrimage Walk next year!
Grade 11 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned that I enjoy working with kids and watching them succeed. I learned that children have a big passion for learning and events like the Junior Math Challenge help foster their curiosity and inspire them to continue learning. I learned that knowledge is valuable in society.
Grade 9 Student |St. Jean de Brébeuf
I really didn’t think I was going to enjoy this year in helping with camp, especially with a lot that has been going on currently in my life. It has been 2 weeks since I began at the Rotary Club Literacy Summer Camp, and I have realized now that I was wrong. I really enjoyed my Christian Service Volunteer opportunity helping kids with their activities and bringing them happiness. I had this when going to camp at the same age group. There are many children at the camp who enjoyed the activities with me and other counsellors. I have been giving these children the joy they need. I’ve really enjoyed helping the community and making these children smile.
Even when not feeling well with my epilepsy, I would try to push through it and get through the day. I really do enjoy helping these children learn to write and sing songs with Mr. Blundson the same way I felt 10 years ago at the same camp. I think I’ve learned that I can enjoy myself and help other enjoy themselves in the community we live in.
Gr. 10 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Through my Christian Service Volunteer experiences, I learned about my passion for helping others and making a difference in my community. Interacting with different people during events taught me the importance of empathy and understanding diverse perspectives. It was nice to see people of all ages come together for a share purpose. Overall, volunteering at events not only allowed me to contribute to a cultural cause, but also helped me to grow personally and appreciate the value of community involvement.
Grade 12 Student | Bishop Ryan
I discovered a deeper appreciation of music as a form of worship and connection with God, as well as a stronger sense of discipline, teamwork, and dedication through regular practice and performances. I learned the value of collaboration, as choir and band members must work together harmoniously. Observing others’ devotion and enthusiasm has shown me the diverse ways people express and experience their faith. I have seen how a community can come together through shared beliefs and cultural expressions. This experience highlights the importance of service and giving back to the community, demonstrating that small events, like playing an instrument, can have a significant impact. Overall, this experience has enriched my faith and provided a broader understanding of my role in my community and society.
Grade 10 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned that I am good at communicating with children and adults. I am very comfortable being around kids, and I learned how to look for the best in people. Something I learned about other people is that there are a lot of different people, and they all think differently. I have to have patience with them, and I also have to change the way I talk with people. I need to watch what I say and how to say it, so that people don’t get upset. Something from society that I learned through this experience was that people come from different lives and homes, and it can be hard for some people. We never know what is really going on with someone, so we have to treat everyone with respect and treat them nicely.
Grade 10 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
My Christian Service Volunteer opportunity enabled me to learn and give time to help youth in the community. I also learned I could inspire others to develop their skills and talents. My volunteer services taught me that others need support and rely on each other to live as people of God. In today's society, it is necessary to volunteer and support those in need, especially the younger generations. I use my soccer skills to inspire younger children and help develop their goals. I learned that our youth need support and rely on each other to live out our call as people of God.
Grade 12 | Bishop Ryan
I learned that there are many people in our community who benefit from volunteering. There are people in homes without families that would look forward to receiving a card on their birthday.
Grade 10 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
My Christian Service Volunteer Service was at the DeMazenod Door of St. Patrick Church. I learned that not everyone has a good financial situation in which they find themselves, including children and the homeless. One of my jobs was to tally the amount of people coming in the morning and afternoon. There were three categories: men, women and children. My volunteer opportunity enabled me to realize that not all parents can take care of their children and that there need to be volunteers to help these children.
Grade 12 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned that I am capable of helping anyone and that any small deed makes for a big change. I learned that other people are always in need of support, and that there are always people willing to provide that help. I learned that the world is constantly changing, meaning more people need help every day, and we need to support them.
Grade 10 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
I really enjoyed volunteering at the DeMazenod Door Outreach Services in Hamilton. It truly makes me realize how blessed I am to have three meals every day and never go to bed hungry. I feel happy to be helping the less fortunate and my community. Today I helped package food and hand it out to people on the street and homeless. I also kept track of how many people took meals and if their gender. I think that DeMazenod Door is a great place that is helping and bettering society by helping those who cannot afford basic needs. I hope I can continue with this volunteer opportunity, making a difference with the less fortunate in our community.
I enjoyed volunteering at our Church and running the children’s liturgy. It felt right to be teaching little children the word of God. I think that it is a good combination of helping the community and doing God’s will. At Church, I read to the Gospel to the children and then ask them reflective questions. It was exciting to be educating kids on things I learned all my life. I really enjoyed volunteering at the church, and I hope to continue volunteering.
Grade 12 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned how to be patient and mindful in certain situations. I learned to be more socially active. Even though I am volunteering, it doesn't hurt to say 'Hello.' This has been my second time volunteering here. I've made friends along the way, and I hope to meet even more people next time. I have learned that acts of kindness in the community can bring people together.
Grade 10 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned that I don't need to be perfect to do what I love. I just need a passion and desire to be who I want to be. I learned that everybody is different and unique in their own way. I learned that the society we live in is very loving because we make friends, we try new things, and we do what we love.
Grade 11 Student |St. Jean de Brébeuf
By volunteering at my local worship place, I learned the importance of helping and giving back to the community and those in need. I worked with a diverse group of people that each brought different life experiences and work habits. Every society needs volunteers to thrive and function. The opportunity of volunteering promotes the feeling of selflessness and overall feeling of accomplishment. It creates a well-connected community.
Grade 10 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Something I learned through the Christian Service Volunteer Opportunity is how I really want to become a kindergarten teacher and how the student really trusted me in the classroom. Something else I learned about this volunteer opportunity is how other teachers take great care of the students as if they are their own. The kids in the classroom realized there are more people out in the world to trust other than their parents. I learned that the surrounding society and community of a school system shows students that they can trust their teachers even though they are not their parent.
Grade 11 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Through my Christian Service Volunteer opportunity altar serving, I learned a lot about my own faith, discipline and sense of responsibility. Serving at mass strengthened me to have a deeper amount of reverence towards God. It helped me gain patience, and the ability to work quietly and collaboratively with others. Through my volunteerism, as an altar server I have gotten the chance to learn more about other people’s lives and witness a fragment of their faith journey in the Church. Experiencing other people gave me an insight on their problems and stories that can be solved by God. Through altar serving, I also got to experience the importance of togetherness and community within the Church. Every individual had a part in the sense of connection, support, love and fellowship with others and God!
Grade 9 Student | Bishop Ryan
Through this Christian service opportunity, I learned that I enjoy helping the community and playing basketball. Through other people, I learned that everyone is not perfect and we all make mistakes. From society, I learned that everyone values respect and teamwork. When I was helping out this basketball team, we all cheered and helped each other out.
Grade 12 Student | Bishop Ryan
I learned how to work with other people as a team. I learned that other people are very different from me and have different ways of completing tasks. I learned that you should treat everyone the way you want to be treated, even if you are not getting it back.
Grade 10 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
I learned from the Christian Service Volunteer opportunity that the Pelham Panthers was more than a hockey team. I saw how the people were cheering on for their family members on the ice as a community. I met people from all ages that had family members with disabilities. I became friends with people that were attending the games and learned that every parent or family member watched and cheered the teams and later donated to the organization. I learned that our society and community were supportive towards donations that the Pelham Panthers raised to support the hockey team. This Christian Service Volunteer opportunity enabled me to interact with other people in the community that supported and helped throughout the year.
Grade 9 Student | Bishop Ryan
Through this Christian service opportunity, I learned that I can always find time in my schedule to help others, and that I feel good in offering a helping hand. I learned that other people won't know how much effort you put into your service and sometimes, people can't do everything by themselves. I learned that as a society we need to come together, to make a difference, and to help others in our environment to feel better.
Grade 12 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
What I learned about the Christian Service Volunteer experience was that I can help give children joy and happiness when they need it. I can follow in God’s footsteps to give more than expected and I know to be kind and put a smile a smile on someone’s face. Children will be happy with the smallest things that are given and I was part of spreading happiness to the children and parents through my volunteer opportunity. Society can sometimes be down, but one small sliver of hope or happiness could change the thoughts or mindset into something more positive. It only takes one random act of kindness to set off a chain reaction of happiness to the rest of society. Therefore, I believe this volunteer experience was fun-filled but also a learning curve for me as well.
Grade 12 | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Through my Christian Service Volunteer Opportunity, I learned that I have a capability of making great difference towards other in the community through simple kind actions. Simply taking care of residents at the Wentworth Lodge has made a significant difference towards the lives of those I took care of during my volunteering at the place.
I learned that others have their own stories and considerations which should be taken into account. I learned to understand everyone’s difference and see them as humans all deserving of care.
I learned that society needs the collective help of everybody to become a better society. Simple acts of kindness echoes through society from person to person. Whether it is through my actions of volunteering or personality. I learned to do my best in all I was able to do so my impact of kindness echoes through my volunteerism.
Grade 12 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Something I learned about myself through Christian Service Volunteering was the awareness for the children and how I gave them a sight for joy and happiness. I haven’t seen this type of joy and happiness in children, and I know I was doing the right thing. I learned about other people that no matter what we look like or what we believe in we can all come together to create peace throughout different races. I learned that other people care about each other which makes a difference when they step and help each other. In today’s society, there are many people who need help and that need each other’s support. The Bible says, “We’re all created by God, and hence we’re all equal, but it also says that God made us different.” No one should be given a different opportunity just because they don’t have the same clothes as others. To sum up everything, I have learned a lot during this Christian Service Volunteer opportunity and have also reflected on a lot of things I encountered.
Grade 12 |St. Jean de Brébeuf
During my Christian Service Volunteering, I learned that I am a good leader who leads by actions and words. I like helping people and interacting with my fellow classmates. People like a leader who values their opinions, a leader who helps and looks after them. I learned from volunteering that society needs people who have the potential to give back and volunteer in their community to make a difference. As students we are expected to at least contribute to the communities that they belong to and help the less fortunate. Volunteering at the YMCA had a very good impact on me, and I am so grateful I was able to volunteer. These kinds of volunteer experiences are rare, and I happened to be one of the luckiest student to be able to make a difference in the community.
Grade 12 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Through my Christian Service Volunteer opportunity, I learned that I am easy with people and can be dedicated towards something more important in society. I learned how creative and fun other people can be and how unique, hardworking and accepting my peers can be with one another. Through my volunteer experience I learned that even though we live in a tough world, people can be so good and kind with the youth outreach program. I was able to have fun and get a job done at the same time along with having memorable experiences.
Grade 12 Student | St, Jean de Brébeuf
I have learned from my Christian Service Volunteering that you must put yourself before other people in need. For example, I volunteered to distribute food to people at an event that were in need. Throughout my volunteering, I have learned how others care about the same things as me and are grateful for my efforts working with others. I have seen other’s willingness to help and their kindness towards others. My experience in volunteering showed me how our society needs and should care for the well-being of others.
Grade 12 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Volunteering at St. Joseph’s Health Care Hospital enabled me to realize I loved being able to assist people who are ill. I have learned that some people have difficult lives and are going through so much but still have a smile on their faces. I think people look at individuals who are ill and feel they are helpless. I saw them as warriors and are strong even though they go through many health issues. We all can learn valuable lessons from volunteering in a Hospital setting.
Grade 9 | St. John Henry Newman
Through this opportunity, I discovered a deeper sense of gratitude within myself. This opportunity has shown me, that being able to read and write for example is a blessing that other may not have. Every day we move through life ungrateful and don't realize we are living another person's dream. Something I've realized about society through this Christian Service opportunity is that, the importance of community brings us together, whether it's Christmas or Easter, helping others even in a small way, like the letters contributes to the overall well being of society.
Grade 9 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
I learned during this Christian Service volunteer opportunity that I get to do things that I have not done yet, such as building meaningful connections, developing leadership qualities and becoming more adaptable in different settings.
In this Christian service opportunity, I learned a lot about other people by getting involved with different communities, such as getting to know people’s backgrounds and working and communicating with different people. I learned values and behaviours throughout my Christian Service Volunteer opportunity.
Grade 9 | St. John Henry Newman
I learnt that I like helping people during Christmas time. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and it made me really happy writing these letters to people, it helped me feel as though we are all connected as a community and it felt good to know that I could be the reason for someone's happiness during Christmas. I learnt that other people may not have as much as I so, so it is important, especially during a time like Christmas to not focus on myself but try to give back so others can experience the joy of Christmas. Something I learnt about society is that people really can be good and they can care for others and give back to their community.
Grade 12 Student | St. Jean de Brébeuf
The Terry Fox Run let me learn many things. I learned that I like to encourage people, and I had a sense of happiness to help them. While encouraging runners, I was able to learn that other people are very selfless. The runners for this even helped raise money for cancer research and this event I realized that when coming across difficult obstacles in life like cancer, society becomes a team to try and overcome the disease.
Grade 12 | St. Jean de Brébeuf
Throughout the two years of volunteering, I have learned a lot about myself. I am generous and I enjoy helping people in need. I am going into a health care or nursing career in the future and this Christian Service volunteer opportunity made me realize this is my pathway of career. I have learned that people show amazing resilience, strength, and positivity despite the hardships that they are facing each day. While volunteering, I have acknowledged the inequality and systemic issues that our society faces each day. The big gaps in opportunities and resources proves the need for more and better support systems. The poverty and homelessness around the world cause social divisions. The bridging Borders of Hamilton always helps individuals in need. Everyone can make a difference by doing small acts of kindness, support and giving to the less fortunate in our community. Seeing people in need has deepened my understanding of other people’s struggles and increased my desire to help everyone in need.