Make sure you’re counted.
Your “English Separate” (Catholic) school support designation on the municipal property assessment roll not only entitles you to vote for the Catholic school trustee in your ward, but ensures that the education portion of your property taxes is directed to the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School.
It also serves as a public record of the breadth of support for Catholic education in Ontario.
Thanking the many Catholic ratepayers who have supported Catholic Education over the past 170 years, Chairperson Patrick Daly added that Catholic education in Hamilton-Wentworth has been strengthened by the centuries-old partnership of parish, home and school.
“Catholic education is a precious gift and we each have the responsibility to do all we can to ensure that the gift is protected and passed on for the benefit of future generations.”
To learn how you can check and/or change your school support, please visit
https://www.hwcdsb.ca/board/supportcatholiceducation/ or contact the Planning & Assessment Department at 905-525-2930, ext. 2006