Rules and Regulations

The application approval shall protect, indemnify and save harmless the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, its employees or agents, from all claims for damages that may arise out of the use of facility by the applicant.

No advertising will be permitted on School Board property. Any advertising for the activities, which identify the school as the location, shall carry the disclaimer "Program not supported or endorsed by Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board" unless permission is otherwise obtained.

No parking is permitted on lawns or asphalt play areas. Parking must be restricted to the facility parking lots.

Organizations whose policies or activities are inconsistent with the Church, Canada or the mission/vision of the Board shall not be granted use of any property of the Board.

No storage space is granted to outside organizations except with the permission of the Principal of the school concerned.

Custodial staff is on duty for the care and protection of school property and not as supervisors of an activity in progress.

The Facility Rental Services will monitor and record group activity complaints received and take appropriate action.

Any cost incurred for clean-up/vandalism/loss to bring the school to the cleanliness level acceptable to the principal [Education Act, S.265 (j)] shall be charged to the permit holder.

Uses Not Permitted
Private group uses such as wedding receptions, anniversary celebrations, Pageant Shows, birthday parties, Live Animal Shows, Estate auctions and similar private gatherings.

With the exception of the school or parish, the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Any activity which could result in damage to school facilities is prohibited.

Any use which interferes with the normal day-to-day operations of the schools shall not be allowed.

Any use of grass fields - [Turf rentals allowed and arranged by contacting Nustadia]

Permit Responsibilities
Adequate adult supervision is required by all rental groups and for the entire duration of permitted use of space at Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board facilities. An adult is a responsible person who is 18 years of age or older.

When groups are renting multiple spaces in a facility, there must be a supervisor in charge of each area (i.e. when multiple classrooms are used, there must a supervisor for each classroom).

It is the responsibility of the permitted user to ensure that their participants remain within the designated rental area(s), that damage to the building and grounds is not permitted, and that all group participants leave the school on or before the ending time of the rental permit. Youth group members must not enter the facility before the adult supervisor arrives.

For the safety of the participants, the caretaker will open the doors 15 minutes prior to the permitted time and lock the doors 15 minutes after. Any entry after that time to allow parents coming and going, must be facilitated by a responsible organizational designate or the site supervisor. Caretakers have other duties to attend to and are not responsible for this purpose.

To ensure that proper footwear (e.g. running shoes on gym floors) must be worn by the active participants of the permit group.

Smoking is not permitted in Board facilities or on Board property. The permit holder shall be responsible for enforcing this regulation.

Permit holders, who use facilities or grounds, must leave them in suitable condition for the operation of school programs. Please tidy up after yourselves and place water bottles and garbage in appropriate receptacles. This will ensure that our doors are kept open to the community for use. Thank you for respecting our facilities.

Safety and Security
In order to comply with the Board’s Emergency Preparedness Procedures the person(s) supervising the event must be aware of the following:

  • location of floor plan of school with Emergency Exits noted thereon ( please contact Kim Palango for drawings of the building you are renting );
  • emergency contact # of the PasWord Protection Services (905) 522-6680 who will in turn contact the Board’s Manager on call in the event of an emergency

Exits must be kept free from any obstruction. Exterior doors are to be locked at all times and are not to be wedged open. If necessary, a monitor is to be stationed at the door to admit latecomers.

Permit holders are empowered, and it is a condition of the granting of the permit, to act as the Board's agent regarding trespassers on Board property during the authorized rental period and where the permit holder has reasonable and probable grounds to believe a person is on the premises without permission or is carrying on a prohibited activity on the premises. Where the offending person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the permit holder shall immediately notify a member of the custodial staff who will call for the assistance of a police officer. If the custodial staff member is not available, the permit holder shall notify the police directly.

Liability and Insurance
Rental groups and organizations are required to acknowledge having read the following liability and insurance conditions and thereby agree to adhere to them:

  1. The application approval shall protect, indemnify and save harmless the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, its employees or agents, from all claims for damages that may arise out of the use of facility by the applicant.
  2. During the use and occupation of the permitted use of Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board space(s), the permit holder shall indemnify and save harmless the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, its officials, trustees, employees and agents from and against any and all liability whatsoever resulting from injury or damage to person, persons or property by reason of or as a result of the use and occupation of the premises directly or indirectly. The Board will not be responsible for personal injury or for the loss or damage to personal belongings of participants or spectators inside the building or on the property.
  3. All users groups must provide proof of insurance through our online system.
  4. Organizations shall request and deliver to the Board a certificate of insurance from their insurance broker for General Liability insurance in the amount of $2M, naming “Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board” as an additional insured on the certificate of insurance.
  5. If a group or organization is not able to provide a valid certificate of insurance, the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board will purchase insurance on their behalf. The cost of insurance coverage will be reflected on the permit.
    1. For more information, click here to view the OSBIE Facility User Group Insurance FAQ.
    2. If you wish to purchase insurance through the Board please contact the Facility Rental Services for current insurance rates.


BR01 Community Use of School Facilities PROCEDURES