Rent a Facility
How to book a school facility
To book a Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board facility, you start by creating an account in eBase our online permitting system. Go to our Community Use of Schools webpage - and click on the link to Community Access Login under the Welcome section
Users must:
- be 18 years of age or older.
- have a valid e-mail account that can receive account information and approved permits.
- agree to the Rules and Regulations (lower on this page)
- submit a Hold Harmless Agreement for each approved permit (see PDF below)
- provide a certificate of insurance in the amount of $2 million for Liability Insurance naming the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board as an ‘additional insured’. If a group or organization is not able to provide a valid certificate of insurance, the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board will purchase insurance on their behalf. The cost of insurance coverage will be reflected on the permit.
For more information, see the OSBIE Facility User Group Insurance FAQ below (PDF).
If you wish to purchase insurance through the Board please contact the Rental Office for current insurance rates.
Choose a facility that will suit your needs. The new on-line software provides access to hundreds of school facilities across the Hamilton-Wentworth region, such as gymnasiums, lecture rooms, secondary school classrooms and cafeterias. To check availability before making your request, check out the online calendar where you can select a school and facility (cafe, single gym, double gym, etc.) to see what is currently available.
To book our artificial turf fields please go to:
Step 3: APPLY
Apply to rent a school facility using the fast and easy online application system. If you are a new user you will need to create a new account ( ... ) or, if you are an existing user, you can simply login ( using your previously created account.
If you are having trouble with your username and/or password or have forgotten it, please contact the CUS Outreach Supervisor ( see contact information lower on this page ) DO NOT CREATE DUPLICATE ACCOUNTS - this will serve to bog down the system
Once an application has been approved, a permit will be electronically issued. You will need to check the approved dates listed on the permit as some may have been removed. Please print a copy of your permit. A current copy of the permit should be with the group at all times when in our facilities
Once your permit is approved, please print a copy of your permit and invoice for yourself, and forward Payment (cheque only), Insurance Certificates and Hold Harmless forms to:
TO VIEW OUR FACILITIES WITH OUR 360 degree CAMERA Click on the following link
Mailed submissions
Attention: CUS/ Facility Use
90 Mulberry St
Hamilton, On
L8N 3R9
Credit cards are the preferred method of payment but....
If paying by cheque, please understand that payment MUST be made in full PRIOR to using the facility and make cheque payable to:
The Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board - Facility Rentals.
Restrictions in Rental Times
Permit Hours
Schools have exclusive use of their space on school days from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Community Use space is available for rentals from September through June, Monday to Friday from 6:00 – 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays 8a.m. to 10p.m. and Sundays 8a.m. to 6p.m.
Non-Rental Times
Periods of exception such as designated holidays, Christmas break, March break and the summer vacation period may be permitted at the discretion of the school Principal. During the holiday periods, all custodial staff works the day shift. Permits approved during the evening will reflect custodial overtime costs where applicable.
Summer rentals are limited to camps during the day at schools where we have custodial staff. Custodial staff need to get our schools cleaned for the upcoming school year as well as take vacation during the summer months. Evening rentals will not be supported throughout the summer.
Equip. Req. Form - SJB revised sep 2018
Hold Harmless Agreement
OSBIE Facility User Group FAQ