Learning Disabilities are very common and affect approximately 10% of Canadians.
October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness of learning disabilities and the challenges faced by individuals and families who live with them.
Learning disabilities are brain-based difficulties that affect one or more ways that a person takes in, stores, recalls or uses verbal and nonverbal information impacting how they learn to read, write and complete mathematical problems. Such deficits are best explained by at least one presenting psychological processing deficit (e.g., phonological processing, memory, executive functioning, visual motor integration), and they occur in spite of average or above average thinking and reasoning abilities.
By increasing public knowledge about learning disabilities, we can ensure that people get the supports they need to reach their potential.
“My learning disability is what I have, it is not who I am.”
Imagine the difference it would make if we focused on the strengths and abilities of our students with learning disabilities!
For more information on learning disabilities, please visit LD@school.