Effective until Monday, January 15th, 2024- The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) is advising that for Thursday, January 11th, 2024, there is a potential for flooding within the NPCA’s jurisdiction as it relates to the Niagara Peninsula, the southeastern portion of the City of Hamilton and the eastern portion of Haldimand County. The recent weather system that arrived on Tuesday produced between 30 and 60 mm of mixed precipitation throughout the Niagara Peninsula, resulting in saturated ground conditions and increased water levels in local creeks and rivers. This water is still moving through the system and water levels remain high, but below critical flood elevations at this time.
Current forecasts are calling for another system to enter our region on Friday and is anticipated to produce between 15 – 30 mm of rain and snow through to the end of the weekend, with higher amounts expected along the north shore of Lake Erie. This forecasted precipitation will further increase water levels in our local creeks and rivers and will likely result in flooding in low-lying areas typically flood prone. Water levels will remain high in the watercourses throughout the weekend.
Major flooding of watercourses is not currently anticipated.
NPCA wishes to remind residents to stay away from creeks and rivers at this time due to slippery slopes, unstable ice, and elevated water levels as they can be hazardous.
This notice is in effect until 12:00 PM, Monday, January 15th, 2024. The NPCA will continue to monitor these conditions and will issue further messages as required.
Information on the Flood Status in the watershed can be found on the NPCA’s website at:
NPCA Flood Status
NPCA Steam Flow Monitoring