Supporting Seminarian Donovan: Grade Four Students Extend Prayers and Encouragement

Grade four students at Our Lady of Hope School have extended their heartfelt support to Seminarian Donovan Trentin as he embarks on a transformative journey towards priesthood in Spain. The class recently crafted prayer cards for Donovan, who is currently immersed in his propaedeutic year at The Royal English College of St. Alban in Valladolid, Spain.
The term "propaedeutic," rooted in the Greek word propaideuo, meaning "to teach beforehand," encapsulates Donovan's preparatory phase as he delves into the profound teachings of the priesthood. Valladolid, with its enchanting landscapes, serves as the backdrop for Donovan's spiritual formation, where he is fostering a missionary vision and deepening his comprehension of the Church during this specialized one-year program.
Seminarian Donovan had the pleasure of reconnecting with the grade four class on Monday, January 8th, 2024, during a visit home for the holidays. Grateful for the students' letters and prayers, Donovan shared insights into his personal journey. Formerly a machinist for over two decades, Donovan's vocational epiphany at 49 led him to heed the call of the priesthood, leaving behind his profession to pursue a higher spiritual calling.
Engaging with the students, Donovan expressed his unwavering conviction in his decision, emphasizing the joy he finds in prayer and meditation. Among his cherished prayers are the poignant appeals, "O Lord come to my assistance, O Lord make haste to help me," and "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me a sinner."
Moved by Donovan's dedication, the grade four class assured him of their continued prayers and eagerly anticipate his return in June, upon the completion of his propaedeutic year. Their connection serves as a testament to the enduring support and encouragement Donovan receives from his community as he embarks on this sacred journey.