Effective until Friday, April 5, 2024 – The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) is advising that water levels and flows in all area watercourses are expected to increase significantly, as a result of the rain forecasted for Tuesday, April 2nd. This notice is intended to advise the public and local municipalities of the potential for flooding within the NPCA’s jurisdiction as it relates to the Niagara Peninsula, the southeastern portion of the City of Hamilton and the eastern portion of Haldimand County. Localized watercourse flooding of low-lying areas that typically flood during higher water levels is expected.
Forecasted rainfall amounts of 30 – 60 mm is expected throughout the Niagara Peninsula beginning later this morning through Wednesday evening. This amount of rain flowing over saturated ground can cause significant runoff into local ditches, watercourses, and storm infrastructure.
Current water levels and flows in area watercourses are average for this time of year but remain well below critical flood elevations. This slightly elevated above baseflows, and there are no flooding concerns or public safety concerns at current conditions. . Currently, water levels in the local watercourses are average for this time of year but remain well below critical flood elevations. This rain will further increase water levels in our local creeks and rivers and will likely result in flooding typically experienced in low-lying, flood-prone areas. Major flooding of watercourses is not anticipated at this time.
The NPCA wishes to remind residents to stay away from creeks and rivers due to slippery slopes, elevated water levels and high flows as they can be hazardous. Adults are advised to keep children and pets away from water bodies.
This Flood Watch message is in effect until Friday, April 5, 2024, when it will be updated or cancelled. NPCA will issue updates prior to April 5 as needed.