On Tuesday, April 16th, Cathedral High School buzzed with excitement as it hosted the board-wide DanceWorks event, gathering dance students and aficionados from seven high schools. The day was marked by a vibrant and enriching experience, deeply enhanced by expert guest artists and choreographers.
The morning kicked off with a sacred smudge ceremony led by Cathedrals NYAWEH staff Nathan Muir, followed by a reflective prayer by Cathedral chaplain Sue O’Keefe. Participants were also treated to an energizing performance by the CHS Step Squad, with choreography by Grade 12 student Amelia Menjivar. Brianna, an attendee, reflected on the morning, saying, “I really loved the experience. It was really fun to learn about hip hop and where it came from, and overall it was just amazing!”

The workshops, led by local and Toronto-based choreographers Michelle Hillier and Raoul Wilke, STM alumnus Miguel Ramirez SJB alumnus Megan Medeiros and Cathedral alumni Josh Taylor and Alexi Menjivar with assistant dance educator Claris Menjivar, provided a platform for in-depth learning and practice. Gloria, enthusiastic about the sessions, shared, "It was a fun experience, I learnt a lot of things I didn’t know about breakdancing, I would attend every year."

As the day unfolded, Fardosa, another participant, found value in exploring various dance styles. She commented, "It’s a good way to find other dance styles, and I think the choreographers were really cool." This sentiment was echoed in the energetic afternoon showcase where students presented their newly learned dance pieces with flair. Melissa, impressed by the opportunity, recommended, "DanceWorks was a good experience, I think if you want to learn about other dance styles this is a chance to dance in a different genre. 10/10 I would recommend."

The event wouldn't have been possible without the concerted efforts of Cathedral High School’s staff and students, including Administration, retired teacher and tech expert Mr. Chuck McMillan, Arts department head Mr. Mike Walker, Occasional Teacher and advisor Ms. Tarisha Montaque, CHS Black Grad Coach and Step Squad advisor Ms. Katrina Collins-Samuels, and event organizer Ms. Stephanie Martyres-Brennan.

As the day closed, the consensus among the participants was captured perfectly by Shanya who exclaimed, "The vibes, the energy, unmatched." This encapsulated the supportive, talented, and energetic spirit that defined a remarkable day of dance and learning at DanceWorks.

More photos on the HWCDSB Facebook page here