
The HWCDSB is a registered Canadian Charitable organization under the criteria "Advancement of Education" and therefore your donation may be deducted when computing taxable income. Please select the school and/or program that you are donating to in the FUNDS DESTINATION field below. An official tax receipt will be generated upon completion, for your records. This page is intended for donations to HWCDSB schools only. DO NOT use this page to pay for your child's student activity fees, hot lunches, spirit wear, trips, etc. To pay for your child's school items, please sign in to your account via the link in the top left corner of this page to access the items available for purchase. Please DO NOT use this page to donate to outside organizations (i.e. United Way, CYO, Pilgrimage, food drives, etc.) as this page is intended for general school donations only. Thank you for your generous support and contribution to the HWCDSB.

Please click on Donate Now to learn more.