Mission & Vision

Our Mission

The mission of Catholic Education in Hamilton-Wentworth, in union with our Bishop, is to enable all learners to realize the fullness of humanity of which Our Lord Jesus Christ is the model.

The Catholic Community of Hamilton-Wentworth believes the learner will realize this fullness of humanity

If the learning process

  • begins at home and is part of family life
  • is nurtured in the Parish
  • is anchored in the Catholic Faith
  • takes place within the context of worship, sacraments, and the life of the Church
  • is enhanced by the school community
  • is embraced by the learner as a personal responsibility for life.

If learning takes place in an appropriate and challenging environment

  • in which members of the school community exemplify the teachings of Jesus Christ
  • which reflects Gospel values and responsible use of human, financial and natural resources
  • which promotes academic excellence and clear indicators of achievement


Our Vision

Learners from Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic Schools will demonstrate

  • knowledge and practice of their Catholic Faith
  •  the capability of nurturing a strong family unit
  •  esteem, respect and responsibility for self and others
  •  academic competence
  •  the ability to listen accurately and express knowledge clearly
  •  independence, critical thinking and effective problem solving
  •  proficiency with technology in order to adapt to a changing world
  •  the values, attitudes and skills for effective partnerships
  •  the ability to transform our society


To enable learners to achieve this vision, the faith community of the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board will reflect

  • the centrality of Jesus Christ in our lives
  •  the teachings of the Catholic Church
  •  exemplary role models
  •  social justice, respect and fairness for all
  •  a dedicated staff
  •  a curriculum that is dynamic, practical and relevant
  •  high standards
  •  an environment conducive to learning
  •  effective partnerships
  •  accountability at all levels