International Students

International Students Registration


... and thank you for your interest in the International Student Education Program at the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board.

Catholic schools have been educating students in Ontario since before the birth of the province. Currently, Catholic schools offer Christ-centred learning to approximately 550,000 students in Ontario. In Hamilton, the first Catholic school was opened in 1855. Today, the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board provides a quality, distinctly Catholic education to approximately 30,000 students.

With 56 school including 49 elementary and 7 high schools, HWCDSB provides international students with instruction from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. International students for elementary schools (Kindergarten to Grade 8) are placed in a grade age-appropriately and assigned into a school based on their residential address in Hamilton.

International students for secondary school (Grades 9-12) have the opportunity to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) which opens doors to higher learning institutions around the world. Students benefit from the many opportunities offered to study in programs that best suit their specific needs. Students can opt to study over one semester, a full year, or continue on and graduate with OSSD.

It is our goal to help all international students have a safe, caring and positive experience, and we are eager to help with your academic success, as well as your community and cultural involvement.


COVID-19 Update about International Student Applications

Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board’s readiness plan to accept International Students has been approved and is listed on the Ministry of Education Ontario Approved Institutions List.

Please review the Travel Restrictions and Protocols for International Students outlined by Immigrations, Refugee & Citizenship Canada before arranging international students' travel to Canada.

Starting April 1, 2022, pre-entry tests are no longer required for fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada by land, air or water.

For more information, please contact [email protected].



An International Student (fee paying) is defined by HWCDSB as any student who comes to Canada for the purpose of studying full-time and who is in possession of a valid Study Permit as issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

As per the Education Act, tuition fees are required for this type of admission.

Please click the links below to access International Fee-Paying Student Application Package and Custodianship Declaration:

HWCDSB 2024-25 International Student Application Package
IMM 5646E- Custodianship Declaration- Custodian and ParentGuardian



All applications MUST be submitted to the Assessment Office at the Catholic Education Centre for processing.
Students are placed in their age-appropriate grade, according to Ministry of Education of Ontario guidelines.
Students will be placed in an HWCDSB school based on space availability.

Contact Us:

For Inquires about HWCDSB International Student Education program and admission information for fee-paying international students, please contact the Assessment Department by

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 905-529-2930 ext. 2006